DigiLearn Academy


This course would cover introduction to SEM, PPC, SEM tools and technologies, strategy and planning.

The lessons taught in this course are:

Lesson 1: Introduction to search engine marketing 
Lesson 2: Paid search advertising (PPC)
Lesson 3: SEM tools and technologies
Lesson 4: SEM strategy and planning
Lesson 5: Real-world case studies


  • 3 Sections
  • 7 Lessons
  • 0 Quizzes
  • 2h 30m Duration
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2 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Introduction
  2. Role and responsibility of a fitness coach
3 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Anatomy introduction
  2. Nervous System
  3. Bone and joints
2 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Flexibility introduction
  2. Static and dynamic stretching
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