DigiLearn Academy

Paid Media Marketing

In this course you will learn all about paid media marketing including a deep-dive into Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, LinkedIn Ads and others.

Lessons taught in this course are:

Lesson 1: Introduction to Paid Media Advertising?
Lesson 2: Overview of different paid advertising platforms and their unique features and capabilities
Lesson 3: Fundamentals of campaign planning and strategy, including goal setting, target audience identification, and budget allocation
Lesson 4: Techniques for creating effective ads, such as writing compelling ad copy and selecting appropriate visuals
Lesson 5: Tips for ad placement and targeting to maximize reach and engagement
Lesson 6: Methods for tracking and analyzing campaign performance, including key metrics and benchmarks
Lesson 7: Best practices for optimizing campaigns and maximizing return on investment
Lesson 8: Assignment
Lesson 9: Exam


  • 3 Sections
  • 5 Lessons
  • 0 Quizzes
  • 2h 30m Duration
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Introduction - Must Watch First
1 Lesson0 Quizzes
  1. Introduction video
Lets Get Started
2 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Choosing an acoustic guitar
  2. Choosing an electric guitar
Advance Finger Exercises
2 Lessons0 Quizzes
  1. Advance finger exercises - part 1
  2. Advance finger exercises - part 2
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